Thursday, September 29, 2011

First Night In Amman

Sometimes it is hard to believe that I am on the other side of the world - but with some amazing people who are crazy in love with the Lord.  As we flew into Amman, you could not help but notice that there was such a thick haze over the area.  Apparently it was from a sand storm - you could not see the hills which were just a few miles away.  Tonight it seemed to clear up and there was some blue skies.  As we were driving from the airport to the city, there were many shepherds herding all kinds of animals:  sheep, goats, horses, donkeys and yes, even camels!  So weird to see them all just on the side of the freeway with no fences to stop them from walking alongside or into you!  Oh did I mention that everything is white and tan here - buildings, cars, land - it is very obvious.  Well, no there was one exception - the only building that was predominantly all blue glass and higher than all the other buildings was the American University - it really does make a statement.

So how does one experience this new culture?  By going to the mall!  We only had a little bit of time to get something to eat and so it was to the food court we went.  I don't know why we think it should be different, but I gotta tell you it was so weird to choose from McDonalds, Burger King, Sbarros, Tacos, Dunkin Donuts, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Sushi.  The mall itself had 5 floors with bowling alleys, fitness center and movie theaters .

Tonight there were at least twice as many people as anticipated - way over 100 young and old alike, from many denominations.  Amazing to see them all interacting and learning from each other.  This does not happen often in these parts.  It is a beautiful picture of God's church at work.  They are so open and desiring to learn so they can build up the next generation in the things of the Lord.  The church where the conference is being held is actually more of a community center.  The pastor has seen many ways in which the church has been a blessing to the community and not one where the people have to isolate themselves.

 I will post some pics and videos tomorrow and let you see things for yourself.  I opened the first talk letting them know that we are  all co-learners - there is a lot we can learn from each other.  We are having to unlearn many things and we have much to learn from them .  Ruth did a great job of having       them work in groups to figure out what the needs are of the children in their communities.   The people love to engage with one another. 

 Time to head back to the guest house and try to get some sleep - oh yea - we are supposed to get dinner first!  Missions = Flexibility

Thanks for your prayers and support - all are needed for us and our families!

He is already doing more than we could ever ask, imagine or hope for!

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